Eyes and Body was founded with the intent to provide patients with the highest quality supplements at a reasonable cost. Not only do our formulas incorporate the latest scientific data on ocular nutrition, they also include the most effective ingredients for overall health. Esmeralda has worked with world-renowned retina and macular disease specialists, an elected to lead her very own team in the development of these advanced formulas. An expert in her field for over 15 years and remains active in the field of nutrition around the world. Eyes and Body vitamins are formulated based on clinical studies including AREDS (Age-Related Eye Diseases) clinical trials I/II, Meta-analysis on Vitamin E Safety and Efficacy from the Annals of Internal Medicine, the Blue Mountain Eye Study, and CAREDS (Carotenoids in the AREDS study).

Our formulas contain optimal levels of elements that protect eye healthincluding Zinc, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, DHA and EPA Omega III Fatty Acids, Vitamins E, C and D as well as bilberry, grape seed extract, anthocynanins, ginkgo biloba and other antioxidants supported by current scientific literature.

Quality counts.Vitamin supplements on the market today can vary in quality and potency. Our Eyes and Body Vitamins are made by the highest-level pharmaceutical grade manufacturers and with quality assurance procedures that set the standard for the field. Never stored on shelves or in retail market settings, our products are guaranteed fresh.