Keep Balance – Nutritional Tips
Looking back to where we were at the beginning of this new millennium, wouldn’t you say we’ve come a long way? We know so much more about everything now, especially our nutrition – what to take, what not to take, how to play it safe and how to take reasonable risks. Having access to the internet with its limitless personal blogs on “nutrition and health secrets”, gives us the confidence to make changes in our lives for the better.
Many of us are motivated by the changes we see in our physical selves as we grow older, fatter, bitchier or generally “less attractive”. When we look in the mirror and wonder why our skin looks more beat than ever, we realize there may be something we can do about it. Truth be told, once we hear about a “nutrition or health secret” that someone else has tried with alleged success- even if it’s an isolated anecdote from Africa – we’re willing to give it a try. So what have we learned to be true and what information can we trust? Well, here’s my “food for thought” on the subject…
Put Yourself First
Everyday, from this moment forward, is about you: Even if you’re unsure of the outcome, be decisive! Make an educated decision and go for it. Be selfish and make yourself a priority. Gain knowledge and change paths. Never look back. Not even for a split second. It’s now or never.
Set Your Main Goal
Do you want to look younger or fitter? Do you want to overcome symptoms of menopause or impotence? We can help! Choose your target and let’s prepare a plan of attack. There is a solution for you.
Looking Younger
Consider Omega 3 fatty acids, water and anti-oxidant-rich foods for a healthier appearance. Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish – especially fatty fish like Salmon – are very beneficial for your skin and can help your all-around appearance. Drink more water. That’s an essay in itself but you know you should. Eat lentils, beans and green leafy vegetables. These are all powerful sources of antioxidants and important minerals that will help you look hydrated. Women: please take the time to remove your make-up at night. It will help your skin stay hydrated and elastic. Always apply moisturizer. This is indeed one of the best tips for the appearance of well-hydrated and soft skin. I know this may sound crazy, but stop frowning! Trust me, it will help avoid wrinkles. The sun is your worst enemy and the main source of aging. Practice expressing yourself without crinkling your forehead. Your best friend from this point forward is a big – and by big I mean HUGE – hat and sunglasses. Sunscreen, while helpful, does less than you think to protect you against the damaging effects of direct sunlight. But if you are a sun-worshiper, wear plenty and don’t forget to reapply every hour or so. Oh, and drink red wine: It has a powerful compound for anti-aging and can help to lengthen your lifespan. Eradicate sodas from your life. No more sugar-filled drinks. One last tip on how to stay young: take vitamin D supplements so that you can avoid the sun as much as possible. There are multiple benefits of Vitamin D, including lesser chance of diseases like depression or cancer, a fact which is also supported by these studies. Avoid smoking or hanging out with smokers. One day next to a smoker is one-day-older you’ll look.
Fight Menopause or Impotence Today
Sleep more than 7 hours a night and choose an active job! Pick a job that keeps you up and about rather than in a chair most of the day. These changes will improve your energy levels and your ability to focus.
Bypass menopause and maintain your libido. Age-related hormone changes don’t have to define you. Just as the right diet improves your health and nutrition, the right supplements can help you overcome changes in glandular function. Before your ovaries are screaming for support or your penis needs a lift, make systematic changes to your supplementation and lifestyle to maximize health and pleasure. Regular exercise, the right diet, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, moderating alcohol intake and natural supplements can help balance your hormones and restore vitality.
By Esmie Gallemore – at my corner blog page